Achiezer-Community Resource Center
24 hour emergency hotline: 516-791-4444
JEC Visits Achiezer
December 5th, 2012

Achiezer welcomed 130 high school seniors from Bruriah High School for Girls and RTMA (Rav Teitz Mesivta Academy) of Elizabeth, NJ, on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. The students gathered in Achiezer's conference room for a fascinating, behind the scenes glimpse of Chessed at its best.

Against the backdrop of Achiezer's constantly ringing phones, Rabbi Bender introduced the students to Achiezer's infrastructure, shared a few 'storm-stories', and explained how our community has rallied throughout these tough weeks. After the presentation, the students of JEC headed out to assist with the massive cleanup efforts that are still intensively underway, even now, five weeks post-Sandy.

Kudos to Rabbi Chaim Hagler of Bruriah, as well as Dr. Kivi Pearlman, Rabbi Ami Neumann, and Avi Strulson of JEC, who ably chaperoned the students. Special thanks to Elke Rubin, Achiezer's administrative assistant, for her ongoing efforts in organizing the cleanup effort.


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