24 hr urgent hotline   516-791-4444
Our Wide-Ranging Programs & Services
Are improving, enhancing and saving lives every day.
24 hour urgent
community hotline
Aside from emergency medical services, this is one of the only hotline services available to our community (and beyond) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The hotline receives calls on a daily (and nightly) basis
Westwood Financial
Management Program
Those struggling with financial need can contact Achiezer's office for various kinds of assistance. Clients can avail themselves of the highly successful Westwood Financial Management Program, in which volunteer budget counselors and certified accountants are available
meals 'n more
& respite rooms
Achiezer's comprehensive hospital food program ensures that community members who are hospitalized over Shabbos and Yom Tov are provided with complete Shabbos meals – plus. Aside from stocking four beautiful respite rooms, volunteers deliver homemade meals
health insurance
Achiezer's insurance program is one of the most sought-after programs of its kind, with people traveling from far beyond the Five Towns for expert insurance solutions. Our insurance experts walk individuals and families through the complex health-insurance enrollment process
Hospital Support
PAchiezer´s flagship service, the medical-referral program, is recognized by callers from the Five Towns community and beyond for its unparalleled expert guidance. With wide-ranging knowledge borne of experience we are uniquely equipped to guide and link patients and families to the most appropriate care.
Mental Health
Achiezer's Mental Health Department is the only mental-health program of its kind in the United States, with a mental health professional on staff, available to meet with clients and their families. Clients receive free, comprehensive mental health intake evaluations
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kosher hospital
respite rooms
Daily Calls
emergency calls
crisis intervention
medical referrals
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  • On behalf of my parents and my siblings, I'd like to thank you for the beautiful kosher pantry you set up at South Nassau Hospital. My mother and sister spent Shabbos with my father and they had a delicious array of foods available and a clean kitchen from which to take them. You can't imagine how it lightens the burden to have the needs of the caregivers considered.
    Yasher Koach!
  • There are no words to express or relief and our thanks for the unbelievable orchestration you arranged to move my grandmother to a hospital that could address her needs. When my grandmother was brought to the hospital, we all went into panic... Seven months earlier my father passed away there, after a medical mishap that took place there. We needed my grandmother OUT! Her doctor was in a different hospital and we were told that if her needs could be addressed here, we could not move her. You gave us hope by telling us that at worst, we could take her out Against Medical Advice (and you told us it sounds scarier than it is). You proceeded to make phone calls behind the scenes and next thing we knew, the hospital of our choice agreed to accept her, give her a bed, and send an ambulance for the transport! The move was successful and my grandmother was discharged about 10 days later. At peoples most trying moments Achiezer offers such support and practical expertise.
    We have tremendous Hakaras Hatov for all you do!
  • Thank you for providing a hospital bed, mattress, and gel for my homebound father.

    Achiezer is an amazing organization
    Yasher Koach for being so involved
  • Words alone cannot express how much gratitude our family has for your organization's constant giving and assistance during Hurricane Sandy and its aftermath. We were so devastated by our homes being destroyed, yet Achiezer found a way to lift our spirits immediately by acting like immediate family... You generously and tirelessly gave so much, not only with financial assistance, but all levels of basic necessities for returning to some normalcy. Immediately, you organized financial assistance, lodging, clothing, shaimos, blanket's, heaters, just to name a few. Anything else that was requested was delivered. You organized guidance and support groups, you made sure our electricity and boilers were fixed immediately. In other words, what didn't you do? Our family received heat last night for the first time since the storm and it was so emotional. Tonight, when Chanuka toys were delivered to our door, I almost cried.
    Thank you so much! Hashem should bless all of you with good health, peace and prosperity
  • I live out of town but the updates Achiezer has been posting is true testament to the immense amount of time, effort, and manpower they have been putting in around the clock since the start of Sandy.
    Yasher Kochachem to Rabbi Bender and his amazing crew. MI K'AMCHA YISROEL!
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Their Summer Starts With You
Their Summer Starts With You
Summer camp. It's more than just camp, and it's more than just summer. It's an read more
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about achiezer
Achiezer works hand in hand with our community’s existing organizations in assisting families contending with issues such as illness, death, family discord, mental health disorders and financial crises.

Achiezer unites professionals, rabbis, lay leaders and volunteers, helping families navigate through these challenging times.
Countless Problems. One Solution
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